Sunday, September 28, 2008

In Memory of Jeanne Heininger

I celebrate the DNA that is the best of me. It was my mother’s too. My thoughts of prose, my music, my creativity, this DNA came from my mother. I am writing now because she died today. A kind and stern and quiet, proud and private, joyful lady, who had many friends. She worked, she played, she sang, she read, she studied, she saw the world as it was and wished it better. She saw the human condition and she was saddened. She skiied and sailed and felt the essence of our planet without the need of the formal religion of her missionary parents, but with a deists perspective that we are all one and part of everything. I share the same beliefs and know she exists still in the air we breathe, in the trees that now will turn the bright colors of fall then shed their leaves and bloom again next spring. She has lost her self and in losing self she is now a part of everything. I will miss her.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

John McCain's Lies as dirty as his stand on the environment

Don't let this aging fraud fool you. McCain is as much for alterntive energy as a Polar Bear is for sunspots. Read the shabby truth about this most dishonest of candidates

Sarah Palin's Dead Lake

Yes, she turned her town into an armpit, stripmalls, big box stores and so much development that the lake she lives on is now essentially dead. Beware Sarah Palin

Thursday, September 18, 2008

German Coalition Sues Bayer Over Pesticide Honey Bee Death

Information and legal action continue to show that Bayer and Gaucho and IMD is likely the culprit in colony collapse disorder. This agrees with the conclusions in the excellent book by Michael Schacker (down the page on the left) A Spring without Bees. We again highly recommend the book, for its readability, research, and conclusions.
Click here

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Call Your Congressman: Please

Friends, neighbors, countrymen, please call your congressman and senator regarding the continued funding of clean electricity which is about to run out this week. Here is the link for We can solve

Cell Phones Responsible for Colony Collapse Disorder ?

Nicole Barrett alerts us to this article in the English newspaper the Independent. Dr Ulrich Warnke, a lecturer at the University of Saarsbad in Germany believes that an unprecedented dense mesh of artificial electromagnetic fields is disrupting the bees natural system of information keeping them from navigating back to the hive. See article

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sarah Palin's Wolf Program

Here is a story from Salon which speaks to her environmental concerns or lack of them.
Shoot Fish in a barrel
Kill wolves from a plane

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Are You a Golfer-Worried About Pesticides

I know, it seems an odd combination, the sport of fat men riding about in carts, waddling from shot to shot and bashing their balls badly. And yes, of course, as Mark Twain said " a good walk spoiled". But I must admit it, I on occasion play golf, and the world is full of lawns and golf courses which fill the aquifers and streams and lakes, the tidal pools with pesticides. Here is a link to an article on pesticide free golf courses. click here